PLEASE SHARE YOUR GIFTS! LETS CREATE A MAGICAL BIRTHDAY FOR MAMA AND BABY! Some mothers give birth alone unassisted. Some are insulted and even beaten by healthcare workers. Some don’t survive childbirth. Birth becomes a mourning for children left behind or for grieving families. Curamericas provides healthcare where there is none. For the past 37 years, we have worked and stayed in communities with the highest maternal deaths in the world. We train local healthworkers to own and direct the work. Each year, around 60,000 mothers and children receive safe, respectful, culturally appropriate healthcare because of Curamericas. Lets make today a magical day for another mama and baby!!
PLEASE SHARE YOUR GIFTS! LETS CREATE A MAGICAL BIRTHDAY FOR MAMA AND BABY! Some mothers give birth alone unassisted. Some are insulted and even beaten by healthcare workers. Some don’t survive childbirth. Birth becomes a mourning for children left behind or for grieving families. Curamericas provides healthcare where there is none. For the past 37 years, we have worked and stayed in communities with the highest maternal deaths in the world. We train local healthworkers to own and direct the work. Each year, around 60,000 mothers and children receive safe, respectful, culturally appropriate healthcare because of Curamericas. Lets make today a magical day for another mama and baby!!